Are we sure this is causing problems? MSM is saying that the poison control center are getting more calls re ivermectin but they're also know for giving false info on COVID stats, vax rates, hospital/ICU bed usage and a host of other topics.
My best response to anons who are making these health decisions is this; do the research and make your own decisions. BTW, all three of those responses are correct.
If they are getting calls and "it's causing problems" then what is poison control's response? Is there a protocol for Ivermectin overdose in humans? I doubt it. But push anyone who says this is happening for proof.
Are we sure this is causing problems? MSM is saying that the poison control center are getting more calls re ivermectin but they're also know for giving false info on COVID stats, vax rates, hospital/ICU bed usage and a host of other topics.
Getting calls about ivermectin? Must be true. The MSM never lies.
My best response to anons who are making these health decisions is this; do the research and make your own decisions. BTW, all three of those responses are correct.
Don't worry...just worry that if you keep waiting you may not be able to get it. It's safe just dose it correctly. The OD levels are pretty high btw.
If they are getting calls and "it's causing problems" then what is poison control's response? Is there a protocol for Ivermectin overdose in humans? I doubt it. But push anyone who says this is happening for proof.