dailymail.co.uk - The subpoena was revealed in a court filing made by lawyers for the families of the five children seeking modifications to an order of protection in order to prevent the release of the records. AR-15 maker Remington subpoenas report cards and disciplinary records of five kids killed in Sandy Hook massacre: Families which sued now-bankrupt company say they have no idea why it wants the documents The subpoena was revealed in a court filing made on Thursday by lawyers for the families of the five children Remington also subpoenaed for the employment files of four educators who were killed during the horrific massacre, who are included in the lawsuit The families are seeking modifications to an order of protection in order to prevent the release of the records The nine families lost loved ones when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut in 2012 The wrongful death suit was filed against Remington on December 15, 2014 The case, which claims Remington recklessly marketed its Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S .223-caliber semiautomatic rifle, will go to trial this month
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I used to supply source links when people would ask for source links, but eventually i figured out that the people weren’t asking for links because they were interested in having their minds changed, but rather so they could report/censor etc the best evidence. A lot of times when id go back to look at a an old video i had just linked to the day before, its magically been censored by youtube. So i dont post source links anymore. If people sincerely want to find info, they will find info.
Thats why everyone has gone to YouTube to look up “How to...” videos, without asking to be spoon-fed, but yet when it comes to “How to figure out fake news”, suddenly people play helpless, and ask for spoon feeding. They just waste our time, and make our best sources disappear
To be fair, it can be very hard to find alternative sources, especially when you’ve never heard of a theory before.
There’s some things that I’ve learned about this year and I don’t can’t find where to start, so I can’t learn more.
"opportunity cost". if you are investing your time researching old fake news, then you can't be investing your time researching new fake news.
for example, whats going on with "cyber polygon"?