Doesn’t matter. Until people realize that the US Gov is completely extra-Constitutional and operates more like the USSR or Nazi governments with Central Authorities monitoring civilians and persecuting them outside the color of law ( they don’t prosecute now - you are guilty before court even happens look at Gen Flynn / Roger Stone etc who lost almost everything ) - until people realize this - their focus won’t be there.
Small bullshit battles don’t matter. We need numbers or America will be lost forever. This is what Q was begging us to do - Evangelize Americana itself.
Like right now we have this bullshit Afghanistan thing going on and the easily fooled are showing their discontent - which is already being framed and setup to be used against them. Until they rationalize that any negativity they project is going to be stolen & co-opted and projected & used to turn them into the next Taliban - they are walking into it.
The only answer we have is to dig deep into local government & build our communities - which is a hell of a lot of work when everyone is so damned fearful. The fear is the biggest weapon they have. They use it to isolate us ( They Want Us Divided ) & to make normally relational and logical people stop using logic and fall into emotional reaction.
Oh, so now we know who told the MSM to shut up about the disaster. Interesting. I wonder who gave the order?
Doesn’t matter. Until people realize that the US Gov is completely extra-Constitutional and operates more like the USSR or Nazi governments with Central Authorities monitoring civilians and persecuting them outside the color of law ( they don’t prosecute now - you are guilty before court even happens look at Gen Flynn / Roger Stone etc who lost almost everything ) - until people realize this - their focus won’t be there.
Small bullshit battles don’t matter. We need numbers or America will be lost forever. This is what Q was begging us to do - Evangelize Americana itself.
Like right now we have this bullshit Afghanistan thing going on and the easily fooled are showing their discontent - which is already being framed and setup to be used against them. Until they rationalize that any negativity they project is going to be stolen & co-opted and projected & used to turn them into the next Taliban - they are walking into it.
The only answer we have is to dig deep into local government & build our communities - which is a hell of a lot of work when everyone is so damned fearful. The fear is the biggest weapon they have. They use it to isolate us ( They Want Us Divided ) & to make normally relational and logical people stop using logic and fall into emotional reaction.
It’s simple psychology and it works.
Could it be a country that rhymes with Chyna?