Canadians, how the fcuk can anyone vote for this complete cuck! Oh yes sorry the elections are rigged, my bad. You have one last chance to stop this idiot.
Interestingly the "Science" Trudy points to says currently the average temperature of the earth is 0.5c lower than average over the last 80 years, with the ice packs growing and an ever increasing rate.
Boomers old enough to remember will cast there minds back to the headlines from the 70's where the scientists told us the North sea in the UK would be frozen over by the year 2000, and Northern Europe would be facing the next ice age, hmmmm whatever happened to that bit of science?
The truth is, Trudope sucked in a WHOLE lot of people in the first election. Promise to make weed legal. I said from day one he only did that to get elected.
It's the ONLY reason he got in the first time. He knows he's done, check my recent posts.
Is that honestly why a lot of liberal Canadians voted for him the first time around? What voting systems are used in Canada, is it Dominion?
I struggle just to listen to the fcuking creep just talk, something in my brain is repulsed by him, it's like my sixth sense knows he is a facade for some horrible stuff.
Canadians, how the fcuk can anyone vote for this complete cuck! Oh yes sorry the elections are rigged, my bad. You have one last chance to stop this idiot.
Interestingly the "Science" Trudy points to says currently the average temperature of the earth is 0.5c lower than average over the last 80 years, with the ice packs growing and an ever increasing rate.
Boomers old enough to remember will cast there minds back to the headlines from the 70's where the scientists told us the North sea in the UK would be frozen over by the year 2000, and Northern Europe would be facing the next ice age, hmmmm whatever happened to that bit of science?
The truth is, Trudope sucked in a WHOLE lot of people in the first election. Promise to make weed legal. I said from day one he only did that to get elected.
It's the ONLY reason he got in the first time. He knows he's done, check my recent posts.
Is that honestly why a lot of liberal Canadians voted for him the first time around? What voting systems are used in Canada, is it Dominion?
I struggle just to listen to the fcuking creep just talk, something in my brain is repulsed by him, it's like my sixth sense knows he is a facade for some horrible stuff.
Will look at your other posts.
I’ve only ever seen paper ballots in my area. The problem is BC, Ontario , and Quebec loooove their communists.