As a kid growing up, dirt poor, I remember my parents going to the pet store for ick treatment for aquariums. Suddenly, dad produced an antibiotic for my sick brother or myself. Wasn't until later on that I figured out it was penicillin they bought for the aquarium, and just as good as the drug the Dr, which we could not afford, was prescribing. So the horse paste "dangerous" theory, I'm not buying it. I've seen many people dying from human drugs. Not many dying from the same drug given to animals. Maybe it's the "other ingredients" in the human version that's doing the killing! I don't recommend it to everyone, but when you think you're about to meet your maker, it might just be your saving grace.
As a kid growing up, dirt poor, I remember my parents going to the pet store for ick treatment for aquariums. Suddenly, dad produced an antibiotic for my sick brother or myself. Wasn't until later on that I figured out it was penicillin they bought for the aquarium, and just as good as the drug the Dr, which we could not afford, was prescribing. So the horse paste "dangerous" theory, I'm not buying it. I've seen many people dying from human drugs. Not many dying from the same drug given to animals. Maybe it's the "other ingredients" in the human version that's doing the killing! I don't recommend it to everyone, but when you think you're about to meet your maker, it might just be your saving grace.
FDA is the main one warning not to use it. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN TRUST THEM TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. LOL!!!
My dad grew up dirt poor, said the only time he saw a dr was when the vet came for the animals.
Aquarium antibiotics cured my brother from bronchitis when he was a poor college student.
Yes, grace.
Just remember, the dosage makes the poison. Be very careful in your research, everyone ... and measure three times before cutting.