Here's one page you can checkout. There are MANY. Like ALL alternative cancer therapies/protocols the AMA/Big Pharma has spent lots of effort shooting them all down but all have merit. I utilized this as ONE of several therapies. It would take a tome to write them all here, but this was what I DID. After my first PetScan confirmed the cancer as Stage-4 laryngeal the next step was a sit-down with Oncologist. I was given a set of treatment options but I'd already done a lot of research and although effective time was short, I made this deal with them. I asked for 30 days to run my gamut of multiple alternative therapies and I'd then have an "after" PetScan to measure effectiveness. Surprisingly he agreed. I did it all and floored him & colleagues as my tumor has shrunk 40%. I unofficially gave them all my data but even though I just wanted to continue "my way", there were no assurances I'd kill it all. My children & family put me under intense pressure to proceed with chemo/radiation and I went through with it. I still sing with my band today. Do I regret not doing chemo/radiation? Somewhat as the radiation (36 doses) messed up my lymph nodes and that valve/flap protecting lungs doesn't always close when I swallow. No telling what damage the chemo did. I can list all my therapies & supplements and not saying which worked best, but the H2O2 therapy IMO helped greatly. There's a lot out there on it but a lot has been buried since my initial research which shows AMA/BP efforts.
Here's one page you can checkout. There are MANY. Like ALL alternative cancer therapies/protocols the AMA/Big Pharma has spent lots of effort shooting them all down but all have merit. I utilized this as ONE of several therapies. It would take a tome to write them all here, but this was what I DID. After my first PetScan confirmed the cancer as Stage-4 laryngeal the next step was a sit-down with Oncologist. I was given a set of treatment options but I'd already done a lot of research and although effective time was short, I made this deal with them. I asked for 30 days to run my gamut of multiple alternative therapies and I'd then have an "after" PetScan to measure effectiveness. Surprisingly he agreed. I did it all and floored him & colleagues as my tumor has shrunk 40%. I unofficially gave them all my data but even though I just wanted to continue "my way", there were no assurances I'd kill it all. My children & family put me under intense pressure to proceed with chemo/radiation and I went through with it. I still sing with my band today. Do I regret not doing chemo/radiation? Somewhat as the radiation (36 doses) messed up my lymph nodes and that valve/flap protecting lungs doesn't always close when I swallow. No telling what damage the chemo did. I can list all my therapies & supplements and not saying which worked best, but the H2O2 therapy IMO helped greatly. There's a lot out there on it but a lot has been buried since my initial research which shows AMA/BP efforts.