SUNDAY SELF-IMPROVEMENT DAY: Have you made any life changes thanks to the Great Awakening? What were they, and why? What prompted you to do it?

I think Q and the people involved in this Awakening have brought me closer to God and nature ie the beauty of His creation. It has focused me and fine-tuned my discernment skills. As seekers we also are open to new experiences and tend to share them, I've tried to focus on natural healing. Not just the body but the mind. I am not associated with any specific dogma, sect or religious discipline although respect my Baptism. As a former war beaten ptsd sufferer I dove into alcohol & drugs to shield my worldly wounds, but Christ pulled me from those grey ashes and gave me new life. I find many human bright colorful experiences here and a way to express myself vs dampening each day watching life in retreat. For that I wish to thank all of you who make this experience worth it, & that being said let's go kick some DS azz!! 😂💕
Great to hear your story.
I randomly bumped into a woman the other day, she told me about her story beating her terminal illness. Now, what’s so ‘terminal’ about it? She’s right there in front of me holding a transparent cup filled with what I can only imagine is a vegetable smoothie of some kind. Either way, it’s definitely on the healthy side.
Her epiphany was the moment she decided to focus on her spiritual and mental well-being, rooted in God and face her deepest fears and anxiety … all her illness disappeared within the next few months.
Healing is 90% spiritual and mental. All I could do was nod in agreement and fascination while sipping on my home-made cold brew coffee infused with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and a small dash of vanilla extract.
Further...I occasionally fall-back to the old me, snapping to anger mainly at shillery. No man reaches perfection.
Oh yes...my Rebirth happened during intense prayer as I was at my worst. It wasn’t just an epiphany during physical struggle, it was an actual paranormal experience that was more beautiful than words can convey. I’d been praying for hours and slowly the room began to glow an amber color and an intense mixture of love, well-being and a surety that all was forgiven. I’d confessed and repented, the 2 keys to saving Grace. I knew that my gratitude needed to be witnessed so others could benefit. I was a changed man and many previous things that had been root parts of my life vanished or were no-longer “part of me”. It’s hard to explain but for example, music has always been one of my first loves. After the experience my taste in music radically was different and surprisingly the expected pangs of loss weren’t even present. I can’t listen to about over 70% of my previous favs. New interests took their place. I could elaborate further but you get me? Being “reborn” is absolutely conceptually described in that one word. Further I’ve been helping addicts recover and have helped a few with my holistic medical knowledge. I’ve got a mission, and it’s NOT about me...it’s about loving humanity & giving. Edit; coffee mmmmmm, cinnamon & HONEY 🍯