based on the establishment freakout.
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I've come to that conclusion more recently. Things found in bark and skin seem to be of much interest, as when God created the plants he made them naturally produce things to protect them.
It would make sense since plants and trees breathe what we exhale and and we breathe what they exhale. There is certainly a poetic balancing act their so it wouldn't surprise me at all if what you're saying is true.
Wish I could upvoot times a thousand fren
Trees and plants do not breathe what we exhale, they breathe oxygen same as we do. Highschool graduates should know the difference between respiration and photosynthesis by now. You consume carbon as food and put weight on. Trees consume carbon and put weight on. You inhale oxygen for respiration. Trees inhale oxygen for respiration. You fart out methane gas. Trees fart out oxygen gas.
We found Pycnegol Registered Trademark supplement which is French Maritime Treebark. We get it at Vitamin Shoppe and take 2 100 mg per day. I have not had to take any OTC for sinus and even PubMed states that for some people it has shown it can really help asthma. Amazing what we are all learning! So blessed to be able to read what other Patriots are discovering! Thank you all!!
And mushrooms. Fungi are crazy.