A high school can't get a .edu. It's reserved for postsecondary institutions only, so-called "higher learning". If a high school has one, it had to have obtained it prior to 2001. A lot use .org domains, some use .k12.XX.us, where XX is the state postal abbreviation.
But shouldn't it be dot edu, not dot org? Glenbard is an education institution, therefore it should be using the dot edu as its top level domain.
A high school can't get a .edu. It's reserved for postsecondary institutions only, so-called "higher learning". If a high school has one, it had to have obtained it prior to 2001. A lot use .org domains, some use .k12.XX.us, where XX is the state postal abbreviation.
I'm an ITfag lol
I dunno the reasons behind it, but most of the k-12 schools in my state use .org.