Normie who doesn't like conspiracies noticed they replaced a rapper with a clone
🧠 These people are stupid!
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They planted the seed of dolly the sheep decades ago, which means they were cloning decades before that.
Many here do not believe in cloning. I did not either early on too. However I also could not believe our whole world was built upon luciferian ideology either, and look where we are now.
Like with most topics like this - Go ahead and set out to debunk them, cause you're only going to find more evidence that supports it.
" Don't kill your foes. Clones their Gods and you will control all of your enemies " - That's some 12-D Art of War type shit right there. Straight truth.
This is what I’m saying. They came out with dolly and then were all “awe sads, it didn’t work”.
We honestly don’t know WHAT their capabilities are. Idk how I feel about clones but to say it’s impossible is wildly misguided. They wouldn’t put it in so many movies if it was impossible.
Thing is, they don’t have to have ALL the memories…just important ones. Just them off from family and friends and put them around new people and it doesn’t matter if their memories are perfect.
Also we have no clue how far they gotten with neural networking. They’re clearly prepping us with the absolutely slew of movies the past 10 years about it. Not even just cloning but neural networking and downloading consciousness.
Hell the clonus horror was back in the 70s if I’m not mistaken. No they didn’t have the memories but they were clones made for spare parts for the elites.