That's not Arturo Sosa. That's Dr. Francis Collins, who is the director of the NIH (National Institutes of Health). Here is his portrait from the NIH website.
On that same page, scroll down to June 2, 2017, and you'll find a second photo from this conference, all three of them together, with this caption:
National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci meet with Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at NIH to discuss research opportunities in global health.
Cornell University > Fauci, Gates and Rockefeller > Rotary International > Mason Lab > Racine, Wisconsin
”In a whirlwind tour through UW Medicine’s research laboratories in South Lake Union, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), swung easily through a show-and-tell that ranged from a dish full of lab-created beating human heart cells to a gene-deletion step in deciphering how immune systems respond to scary viruses such as dengue and Ebola.
Collins, a physician and geneticist who formerly led the Human Genome Project, had the science stuff down cold — although he graciously insisted that he always learns something new when he gets out of the other Washington.
Murray brilliantly managed to craft a window of relief from the federal budget sequester with Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Collins noted, but that will end in 2015.
He pointed to what he called the “deterioration of K-12 education” over the years, with few students able to grasp what it means to develop evidence or having a basic understanding of statistics.
“Talented members of the media” can help bridge the science-literacy gap, Collins added, “but the media is under terrible pressure. A lot of the great science writers are no longer out there anymore; they’re getting squeezed. Nobody’s firing sports writers, but the science reporters seem to be the first ones to go.”
And then, of course, there are the scientists themselves, Collins said.
“It seems to me that we all have to spend more of our time, perhaps, as ambassadors for science literacy — trying to explain what we do and why it matters,” he answered. “Scientists aren’t always as good at that as perhaps we might be.”
Those who work in science may have to think of this as part of their jobs, he suggested — “to take as part of your responsibility that given the chance, you go to a high school and talk about what you do, or you show up at the Rotary club, and we all sort of take this collectively under our own wing. … We all have to be part of the solution.”
Do you find it funny that you are allowed to exist in our ecosystem while if it were vice versa we would be expunged from Reddit almost immediately? Genuine question
Not funny, really. I am a big believer in talking things out, although I cannot fault people for not being interested in that conversation. It takes a LOT of work for me to keep up with you guys here, and that's as someone who doesn't even believe it. People are not usually interested in investing this much time and resources into a theory they don't accept as even remotely possible.
But the banning is because they believe that your beliefs are not only wrong, but actively causing harm, in terms of anti-vax, or insurrections, or whatever. And the fact is that if you are wrong about Q, then they're absolutely right. Your wrong beliefs WOULD be causing harm.
Just as my wrong beliefs could absolutely be causing harm if it turns out that children really are being harvested by international pedophiles and their blood being drunk in order to stay immortal. That's definitely not something I want to be accidentally defending. And if such super-criminals were proven to be doing this, then me denying it's happening would be harmful.
I don't think either of us would be super proud of the inadvertent harm we've caused if we're wrong.
That's not Arturo Sosa. That's Dr. Francis Collins, who is the director of the NIH (National Institutes of Health). Here is his portrait from the NIH website.
On that same page, scroll down to June 2, 2017, and you'll find a second photo from this conference, all three of them together, with this caption:
They all connect back to the Root -
Cornell University > Fauci, Gates and Rockefeller > Rotary International > Mason Lab > Racine, Wisconsin
Some people can't substantiate what good material is from bad material.
Generally speaking, I wouldn't go with memes or shared images with low resolution anyways.
I mean, I just tracked down where the photo came from, since no source was provided.
Do you find it funny that you are allowed to exist in our ecosystem while if it were vice versa we would be expunged from Reddit almost immediately? Genuine question
Not funny, really. I am a big believer in talking things out, although I cannot fault people for not being interested in that conversation. It takes a LOT of work for me to keep up with you guys here, and that's as someone who doesn't even believe it. People are not usually interested in investing this much time and resources into a theory they don't accept as even remotely possible.
But the banning is because they believe that your beliefs are not only wrong, but actively causing harm, in terms of anti-vax, or insurrections, or whatever. And the fact is that if you are wrong about Q, then they're absolutely right. Your wrong beliefs WOULD be causing harm.
Just as my wrong beliefs could absolutely be causing harm if it turns out that children really are being harvested by international pedophiles and their blood being drunk in order to stay immortal. That's definitely not something I want to be accidentally defending. And if such super-criminals were proven to be doing this, then me denying it's happening would be harmful.
I don't think either of us would be super proud of the inadvertent harm we've caused if we're wrong.
Yup this stuff makes us look stupid. Thanks for calling it out.