Guinean Military overthrows president who cheated to win election, and who had then used government power to try to stop people from talking about election fraud https://nationalfile.com/breaking-military-overthrows-guinean-president-following-rigged-2020-election/
Texas legislature passes bill to build 700 miles of border wall https://twitter.com/BrandAdalia/status/1434024121629822978
CNN panel blasts Biden’s inability to communicate clearly on covid https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-panel-biden-admins-mishandling-covid-inability-communicate-clearly-consistently
Opposition to vax mandates is spreading in NY https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/084/172/593/original/c145a32ff7ff5da2.mp4
Violent crime continues to surge in Dem-controlled cities https://www.foxnews.com/us/summer-crime-shootings-murders-trends
53% of Americans (which means 65%, really) believe Biden is personally responsible for 13 military deaths in Afghanistan https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/06/summer-bummer-joe-biden-presidency-suffers-historic-failure/
Review of Ariz. Sec. of State Katie Hobbs’ proposed new elections manual reveals 170 instances of overreach beyond Arizona’s actual election laws https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/az-secretary-state-leftist-katie-hobbs-trying-cheat-ezaz-civic-action-2021-election-manual-draft-review/
Major construction continues at Guantanamo for additional military trial capability and enhanced classified workspaces, along with detention facilities at nearby Navy base https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1434922204123303936
Archbishop condemns Biden and Harris for supporting abortion https://twitter.com/OANN/status/1434938773972742144
US State Dept is now actively stopping private attempts to leave Afghanistan https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1434691759842504706
See you tomorrow.
#10). Correct me here; Taliban has no problem with planes leaving, but State-Biden doesn’t wanna get smeared more...so they’ve warned other countries to not let those planes land. Worst “President” EVER. You KNOW Barry is in Joe’s ear.
Thanks Wins!!! 💕