No. Your sentence is gibberish. It would require a filter to be embedded in the application code to block selected channels. Telegram wrote that code, not Apple. Also, Apple iOS does not have a proxy to filter HTTP requests of random apps using some "magic bullshit logic"... so you are talking out of your ass.
I was thinking the same thing. Doing something like that via apple api is going to cross some privacy boundaries that will get lawsuits. It's very likely telegram is doing the censoring.
It’s almost certainly Telegram doing the censorship, although they are likely doing at at Apple’s request (or rather, “censor these groups or we pull you from the App Store like we did Parler”).
Doesn’t matter. Either way we need open source Linux phones and tablets.
When I was programming in windows you could change stuff in textboxes ,labels ,listboxes using a API call that would target said textbox and label.
This is how some earlier yahoo booters where made back in the day to target the correct text box and automatically fill the chat box with the script that would crash yahoo messenger.
Nothing connected via internet in the code was needed, a simple program running in the background, modifying what is being displayed in a certain app instantly via disabling then relabeling a channel name, if it matches keywords, so I'm not talking out of my ass here, not saying they have done it or its possible on iOS Operating System might be a bit different to how Windows functions. Someone who understands how the iOS environment works might corroborate if doing this is plausible from iOS.
Apple can censor it via API calls user side
No. Your sentence is gibberish. It would require a filter to be embedded in the application code to block selected channels. Telegram wrote that code, not Apple. Also, Apple iOS does not have a proxy to filter HTTP requests of random apps using some "magic bullshit logic"... so you are talking out of your ass.
I was thinking the same thing. Doing something like that via apple api is going to cross some privacy boundaries that will get lawsuits. It's very likely telegram is doing the censoring.
I suspect telegram was told to censor or they would be booted from the app store...
That's a really good point. I had forgotten they can do this (and they definitely have in the past).
Which is why app stores conceptually are utter garbage and obvious from the start.
It’s almost certainly Telegram doing the censorship, although they are likely doing at at Apple’s request (or rather, “censor these groups or we pull you from the App Store like we did Parler”).
Doesn’t matter. Either way we need open source Linux phones and tablets.
Anyone know any good ones with good security that aren’t honeypots?
When I was programming in windows you could change stuff in textboxes ,labels ,listboxes using a API call that would target said textbox and label. This is how some earlier yahoo booters where made back in the day to target the correct text box and automatically fill the chat box with the script that would crash yahoo messenger. Nothing connected via internet in the code was needed, a simple program running in the background, modifying what is being displayed in a certain app instantly via disabling then relabeling a channel name, if it matches keywords, so I'm not talking out of my ass here, not saying they have done it or its possible on iOS Operating System might be a bit different to how Windows functions. Someone who understands how the iOS environment works might corroborate if doing this is plausible from iOS.