Screw cooking, I chug it every day because its it's delicious.
Grab some lifeway brand flavored kefir at any grocery store for like 3 bucks. Its tangy tingly undrinkable yogurt that's very good for you.
My daughter-in-law used to drink this too, she was really into the fermented stuff. I do not like the taste myself plain, but it is great in cornbread etc...
Screw cooking, I chug it every day because its it's delicious. Grab some lifeway brand flavored kefir at any grocery store for like 3 bucks. Its tangy tingly undrinkable yogurt that's very good for you.
I don't drink it all the time but any time I have digestive issues or after I've taken some antibiotics, I drink kefir for a few weeks.
Does wonders.
My daughter-in-law used to drink this too, she was really into the fermented stuff. I do not like the taste myself plain, but it is great in cornbread etc...
Even plain yogurt is gross. You need to buy the flavored bottles. Even walmart has them for $2.79 each and like 3 or 4 flavors.