Fuck all “wait fags” going forward. You have some shit, just drop it. The sooner the better. Getting to the point I want to take a hammer to people like this. The amount of damage they’re doing to morale is beyond reprehensible. At this point it is time to treat them as the enemy. It is also time to tune them out. They are the boy who cried Wolf.
You know I always get excited when he says stupid shit like this and I'm ALWAYS pissed off when nothing happens. Repeat. 🤣
Is that you, Charlie Brown?
It is I, Sally brown. 👩🏼
I get some much shit for saying this about Ron I’m glad to see I’m not alone....
Dudes a freaking tv cooking game show.... and now for the winner..... after this commercial break.....14 times
Again nothing stops the traitors except removal. They will only respond to force.
Enough with this shit.
Fuck all “wait fags” going forward. You have some shit, just drop it. The sooner the better. Getting to the point I want to take a hammer to people like this. The amount of damage they’re doing to morale is beyond reprehensible. At this point it is time to treat them as the enemy. It is also time to tune them out. They are the boy who cried Wolf.
It will end the same for them.
Codemonkeyz is the king of wait fagging
Everything is going to be yuuuge
Then it drops and is nothing new to anybody in the movement.
Same with audit sites Amazing News Fantastic Happenings then click baiz
This is too serious for random bullshit!!
I agree. You got something spill it or STFU. Watch the show get attacked and the information gets postponed.
Public Service Broadcast System R?
Thank you! That was driving me bonkers
Lol. MOw that would be a happening!!!