Executive Order 13848 (and apparently also some other EOs from the past) Prolonged by the resident for another year
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Is there a nothingfagging?🤣 But that 9/12/18 is definitely tingling me spine. Nice catch. Sometimes you can’t help but believe. There’s no such thing as coincidences.
Personally, I have zero doubt.
And if, by some chance, I turn out wrong, our beyond-depraved, horrifically-debased, God-mocking culture quite honestly deserves God’s wrath and punishment. And I’m at peace with that, but will go down fighting for the truth.
But I pray for grace, and all logic somehow truly suggests that we will be getting a reprieve. I don’t know why. Totally unearned and undeserved, but the American experiment was God’s providence, and maybe He hasn’t given up on us yet; maybe there’s an awakening in store. Damn, do we need it - and we better not $&@# up a second chance.
Unearned and undeserved? That's why it's called Grace, and God is big on Grace.
I agree with you. I trust Gods plan 100% but I have a 0.05% doubt in Q and trump just bc they’re human. I also agree if God decides to wipe everyone off the face of the earth I don’t blame him.
Will we get a reprieve? I hope so. But I think many will not. The reaping comes before parousia if I recall correctly.
Oh, I don’t think we’re there yet, but of that, I have no way of knowing.
Way above my paygrade... 🤔