Can you hear the people singing?? Most protests are organic in nature, the more force needed to repel the PTB, the closer it gets to all out revolution and, at that point, natural leaders are certain it doesn't follow up with street justice or kangaroo courts.. Think Poland in the 80s..
We need more organization though. No leadership. Just organization. Leadership positions are always hijacked. We are all leaders and followers.
Fuck that. Burn it all down. Start fresh once the ashes settle and God has drank his fill of blood.
Oh, yeah. "Kill them all, and let God sort them out." Very enlightened...
It is not God who desires a "fill of blood." You are on the wrong telephone line.
What god are you refering to?!
I agree. Patriots should have a game plan.
Can you hear the people singing?? Most protests are organic in nature, the more force needed to repel the PTB, the closer it gets to all out revolution and, at that point, natural leaders are certain it doesn't follow up with street justice or kangaroo courts.. Think Poland in the 80s..
We need less organization. Keep it local and take back your area.
I'm working on it.