This Constitution shall be interpreted with original intent as the primary method of defining what the contents herein are purposed for and what the specific meaning applied shall be.
The language used herein specifically must always be considered for the definition in use at the time of the writing of said language.
(Optional addendum)
All future amendments and laws should contain within themselves a meta standard that defines the language that applies to said law. All future laws that modify parts of an existing law must adhere to the defined language meta standard originally identified by the original law. The meta standard for an original law cannot be altered or amended.
Should a law require alteration to the language meta standard, then the original laws must be repealed in total and the new law completely written to the new language meta standard.
Amendment proposal.
This Constitution shall be interpreted with original intent as the primary method of defining what the contents herein are purposed for and what the specific meaning applied shall be.
The language used herein specifically must always be considered for the definition in use at the time of the writing of said language.
(Optional addendum) All future amendments and laws should contain within themselves a meta standard that defines the language that applies to said law. All future laws that modify parts of an existing law must adhere to the defined language meta standard originally identified by the original law. The meta standard for an original law cannot be altered or amended.
Should a law require alteration to the language meta standard, then the original laws must be repealed in total and the new law completely written to the new language meta standard.