I have been seeing a lot of posts about ivermectin for horses and other dewormer stuff for dogs, and how they have helped people. I believe it. My neighbor had stage 4 cancer and took a dog dewormer and is now cancer free. I have a horse who will be using the paste, soon as it arrives.
I got to thinking... maybe horses and dogs (and other pets) get such chemicals so they live longer, so the owner needs to buy a lot of stuff over the life of the animal? How long did dogs live before these chems?
Obviously, humans don't get it prescribed because cancer is a treatment industry.
It makes you wonder... just how much sadness, pain, and cost is engineered for the sake of the economy?
If you mean the dog dewormer, probably. I have no idea, and I am not advocating that people start taking that! My question was more big picture... along the lines of why there is so much push back against using ivermectin.
No, I was using a Q statement to answer your last line, your last question.
As for as push back against ivermectin, it's because it works. If the goal was actually to end the pandemic and get people well, tptb would have jumped on HCQ immediately, and then ivermectin. But they didn't, so you have to ask yourself, why? Other countries were having great success with both. Did our medical community just not believe what was happening in other countries? If not, why not? It's not as though they hadn't been exchanging info for decades.
No, it's so much more. It's not about getting people well. It's about controlling people. That should be abundantly clear.
Also, follow the money. Pfizer is making billions every quarter. Moderna was nearly bankrupt and this saved them. And none of them would be making vaccines if a simple, safe and inexpensive drug was available. So therefore, HCQ and ivermectin had to be demonized. In order to mandate a vaccine, there can't be an existing therapy. Ooops. Bye-bye simple solutions.
Got it. Misunderstood your point, obviously. Totally agree with you. Thanks for taking the time to clarify.
Because it works