Snap elections, a population that is growing more and more divisive, crowds chasing the Turdface out of towns, a rapid move to covidpass bullshit by nearly the entire country and most importantly, their official government numbers.
Canada was very late in the game with the jabs but they are implementing a third shot at the same time as Israel and Iceland, both seeing colossal case counts, hospitalizations, ICU and recently, an increase in deaths.
Canadians own lots of guns. Per capita they own quite a bit of firearms and their sales just like ours have been off the charts. Turface banned 1500 types through what they call "Order in Council". Essentially they went into a dark room with no debate and banned 1500 types and then the following week banned several types of shotguns without telling the public. Panic.
Their economy is flat lining fast. Very fast. Worst unemployment rate in the G7 during the lock downs. CPI is up and their new report on the economy was terrible. Far worse than what their own liberal fagconomists expected.
Record immigration, no jobs.
Watch Canada.
Agree. I just listened to a candidate from the People's Party of Canada PPC (didn't catch his name) and that sounds like a patriot party. He said they call their Rinos Cinos (Conservative in name only). PPC is showing 10 % in the polls and that is starting to get them notice.
Polls are bullshit. I bet they are closer to 25% right now. Unfortunately there is no way to prove that.
Yes, Mark Friesen PPC candidate for Saskatoon-grasswood said that. He said he got a call from the local news bureau and they are probably getting ready to do a hit piece on him. That's because the PPC is showing strong in the polls.
His name is Maxime Bernier. I heard about him through a pede here. I looked into their party and 10% is massive considering they had 1% their last run. He is the Larry Elder of Canada I believe lol
No it was Mark Friesen PPC candidate for Saskatoon-grasswood. I just looked him up. He was great.