Ask them if they know why Hunter Biden has Finger Lakes tattooed on his back, and why Mason Lab shut down their operations in the same city that the largest donation to Cornell came from the same year Joe Biden spoke there.
Then ask if they have ever researched the Sphinx Head Society, Pilgrims Society and Knights of Pythias, and what family company benefited most from Zika.
Amen Fren!
I battle almost daily with another coworker that says he is thinking critically and he believes in Fauci.
Ask them if they know why Hunter Biden has Finger Lakes tattooed on his back, and why Mason Lab shut down their operations in the same city that the largest donation to Cornell came from the same year Joe Biden spoke there.
Then ask if they have ever researched the Sphinx Head Society, Pilgrims Society and Knights of Pythias, and what family company benefited most from Zika.