Supreme Court: This will get the government mandates (all of them) to SCOTUS, The "mandate" is unconstitutional in that it infringes on both individual liberties and usurps States rights.
If this won't wake people up, nothing will.
Big Business will be on the front lines in this fight, no matter which side they take.
This forces would-be tyrants to out themselves.
This will show the TRUE number of vaccinated in the country and I believe it is a whole lot less then the "official" number they're claiming.
This could actually SOLVE labor shortages for small businesses that are not following the mandate.
Unions representing big parts of the federal gov workforce are already preparing lawsuits to fight this, including those that represent federal law enforcement officers. Fed. LEO are now aligning with personal freedom where they SHOULD have been all along.
If mandate is ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS, that should give a path for military members to fight this as well.
Edit: Thought of another one.
- FDA and CDC will now be mandated to take their own poison - many of them (50% unvaxxed as of a month or so ago). Maybe some whistle-blowers will emerge now that the vax is mandated for them too.
So, in summary: Big Business will be fighting this, Unions will be fighting this, States will be fighting this, and most importantly civil liberties groups should be fighting this on behalf of individuals. HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS!!!
There is no "waking people up" anymore. Especially when it comes to the injections. There are basically 3 groups right now. Group 1 : I got my shots and so should everyone else. Everyone needs to be "vaccinated" or we'll keep getting variants. 2. I'm not getting the shot because I'm healthy (this is he group that will cave in when the mandates effect them directly). Group 3 : Fuck you and your New World Order clot shot. (Most of us are in group 3.) Lines have been drawn. Anyone not awake yet is most likely not going to. Not trying to doom, just saying there are a lot of people out there sleepwalking.
Many (maybe most) in Group 2 may not have been awake - they are the ones I was referring to. Some in group one may be persuaded to our side as well because many of them did it because they thought it would return things to normal - now THEY will be considered unvaxxed if they don't get their "booster" - not mandated yet but the writing is on the wall. Giving up on the asleep is the surest way to turn them against us.
Most of the sleepyheads are already against us/ flat out hate us ("us" being those in group 3). The ones that don't hate us are still under mass hypnosis and I'm not sure what it's going to take to snap them out of it. That's what makes the whole thing so frustrating.
Watching POTATUS get bitch-slapped by SCOTUS might help wake them up - that's why I listed it first.
I don't believe SCOTUS will stand up to him, just like how they stood down and allowed the election to be stolen in the first place. I have zero faith in them, although I'm still a true believer in Justice Clarence Thomas.
yeah, riiiiiiiiight.
Nah that's the vocal kinds.