Maybe the OSHA "mandates" from yesterday are really just to push more negativity/closer to being forced to do the 25th at Joe?
Now it's the setup for Kamala to be portrayed as the "good" alternative?
Am I way off base here?
i dunno it may be gamesmanship with respect to the coming budget fights, and infrastructure bill.
Budget ceiling debate is coming up yet again. I would hope congress would oppose the mandate and threaten to pull funding for stuff that xiden wants. WH strategists, knowing this may be pushing the mandate out there as a sacrificial lamb they can take back as a bargaining chip in their negotiations in the budget ceiling and infrastructure bills. as in they will remove the mandate in order to get their ceiling and infrastructure commie bills passed.
Eeewwww gross but you may be right. Hope others are able to see through it. I think that the less that this actually gets off the ground the more dumb it becomes as a bargaining chip.