Jumping Ship?
I work in the federal gov't. One of my duties is to review and sign off on offboarding requests. It's not unusual to go through periods where there are sporatic large numbers of people clearing. Usually students rotating out. But over the last few days these offboardings have been almost non-stop. Sh!tloads of people leaving, and not just students. Professionals, credentialed, non-credentialed, steady stream. Can't help but wonder if many aren't a result of the unconstitutional jab mandate?
People should not be leaving their jobs voluntarily.
Make them make you leave. And even then, give them a little resistance on the way out the door, trying to productively finish that last task, whatever it may be. They can't physically jab you. So ignore their threats and coercion. Just go about your business.
I plan to keep showing up and doing my job without answering questions about my health. They'll have to make it physically impossible for me to not do my job for me to stop doing my job. It's not being insubordinate if they restrict my access.
I'll see how I feel if it gets to that point. Anyway. Don't leave, fuckers. Stay and do your job, well.