Can Anyone Make Out the Second Book Title in Stuart Scheller’s New Video? Top is Imperium, Last is On War. Both are Relevant to Our Situation.
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"The medium is the message."
Marshall McLuhan / Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man / 1964
Imperium on top of Simon & Schuster on War
Imperium top book.
Simon and Schuster (trademark on middle book - unidentifiable)
On War / Clausewitz bottom book.
Who controls informing us who we are to attack or informing us who has attacked us?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6_ZC6BywXs... ( 2 seconds )
Thanks, patriot. High energy decode. Unstickying this.
Middle book was solid work! Thank you for finding it.
I knew it had to be one of those classics given the binding (I had to read a version of The Odyssey with that same cover format for school once), just couldn’t make out the title.
The middle book looks like it starts with "Aris...."
I use a zoom script for mpv video player for this very purpose. I tried to skip around to find the clearest frame. The logo of the publisher looks like someone maybe fencing or running.
If I quickly seek through the video, various parts of it become more clear. Here's a recording https://files.catbox.moe/3jmqtw.mp4
EDIT: u/SkiSkiUSMC found it.. "The Basic Works of Aristotle"