The ACLU was only there to further the cabal's agenda. They gave them a nice catchy name to hide their true identity, which is a bunch of scummy Jew lawyers helping push righs for faggots and anything else destructive to the a moral society. Lawfare has been the way to undermine the country and it's people.
They are no different than Southern Poverty Law. Communist scum. Always were.
The ACLU was only there to further the cabal's agenda. They gave them a nice catchy name to hide their true identity, which is a bunch of scummy Jew lawyers helping push righs for faggots and anything else destructive to the a moral society. Lawfare has been the way to undermine the country and it's people.
Ask them about second amendment rights and they suddenly start saying those are for government only, not individuals. Theyre donation bait tools.
Are we seriously surprised? These faggots have always been faggots.
I am confused is this the same as the ACLUJ? I hear about them on my christian talk news all the time
We're saving Israel for last.