Klaus Swaab and his satanic band, are in a pickle! The Great Reset was intended to eliminate the Deplorables and Blacks! Nope, I bet MAGA is only 5% vaxed and as of this morning, only 30% of blacks are poked! The merry band of central bankers can’t crash the market, because the silver stackers, will not let go of their precious metals and GME, AMC and CLOV have the HF upside down! They wanted to own it all and in the process, have created an environment, where there will be millions of deplorables who have wealth beyond belief! We are in the process of destroying the cabal! Put a smile on you face and live life to the full! We have won!
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We have assumed control... we have assumed control... [patriots] have assumed control...
"Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand" yea we knew what that meant.