340 BBC Fake News Reports WTC 7 Collapse 23 Minutes Before It Happened - REVELATION OF THE METHOD posted 3 years ago by DrMcCoy 3 years ago by DrMcCoy +340 / -0 https://www.bitchute.com/video/wk0AqoJ1wP09/ 37 comments share 37 comments share save hide report block hide replies
She could have verified the building was standing by looking behind her!
Anyway the BBC has always been the most professional and most pernicious disinfo outfit the cabal had in the 20th century,
Total scum.
Most of the world had no idea what building 7 was before 9/11.
You aren't making sense to me. Of course nobody round the world had any interest in a random skyscraper (WTC7) in NY before 9/11 It was just an office building full of spooks.