Well, I've moved to Texas, and unfortunately, Austin.
Big things are coming, whether we get our way or not, they're trying to kill the US and the world economy, and all of us.
Would like to get away from sheep and link up with people who are aware of this biblical battle and prepare/form relationships just in case.
Any advice is appreciated. Anyone in the area, feel free to hit me up.
God Bless You All.
The good news is : You're in Texas.
The bad news is : You're in the absolute far-left-as-you-can-get place in Texas.
Are you in Austin proper? If so, I would recommend moving 10-15 miles in any direction. The lefty force-field begins to weaken around mile 8.
If push comes to shove, sell everything and go live in a Buc-ees off I-35.
I'm in north austin, takes 20-30 mins to get downtown. So not in the thick of per se.
Possibilities; gun ranges, gun shows, and find a good church outside of the city,
Telegram. Start in state audit groups...you will find local county groups who are organizing locally and making a difference.
Nowhere near you. Where I live most people remain in la-la land. What I found is when in a group, church group, bar, restaurant, work there are certain words you bring up in standard conversation that those like you will catch and will start a conversation with you soon.
Once I said 'off the grid power' at a church event and a family of preppers approached me.
I was in a restaurant and mentioned 1,260 days and a person at the next table said: I couldnt help but hearing but I'm really interested in biblical prophecy.
Just last week someone said 'clown world' and a person at work said thats not a term people use unless they are conservative.
But STILL you cant trust anyone. There are those who win your confidence by being like minded only to rob you, take advantage, or use your compassionate nature against you.
We need a MAGA friends matching site STAT. 🤣😂 In God awful Massachusetts! Sorry.