3 Q Proofs over the last 2 days
1 year delta - Precipice: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFnHSr2I/the-precipice-was-a-one-year-del/c/
1 year delta, 17 and heritage: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFwUY8No/learn-our-comms-heritage-message/c/
2 more 17s (sorry for another site): https://patriots.win/p/12kFwUYPZ5/message-from-donald-trump-on-sep/c/
EDIT: 4 proofs
One more 17 from Trump (about Tyson), timestamp 1:23 https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/12kFwWr7oX/djt-says-he-thinks-hes-hosted--1/
Trump did not choose 18th. Or any of the other 75 precincts. I think thats the point.
17 + Trump is what Q researchers look for. Not just 17. Like if my lunch comes to $17.45 that just kind of cool its not part of the plan and I'm not checking the receipt's time stamp against a Q post to see if its about double-cheeseburgers.
Lets do Biden and 49. How often do you see that? Not just 49.
And yeah I wouldn't be surprised (up until 2019) if it turned out the Q op was just Trump trolling his opposition.
Imagine if the proofs were in the deli receipts, and we were too skeptical to look
No soup for YOU!! 😂