Blows my mind this whole receiving the Covid mark parallels Revelation so much and the average Christian just goes with it. Only thing that didn't match up was hand and forehead and not arm placement.
Don’t fear the technology, fear the misuse of the technology.
I guess.. unless that technology is a gas chamber. Even then, fear the Lord who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell over man that can only destroy the body.
Yes, I'm familiar with preterism. But I think it might come down to when Revelation was actually written. If it was written in 90, then it wouldn't be prophecy. I think a lot of the book of Revelation hasn't come true yet because there is some "next level" stuff in there! The Temple falling was indeed a big marker and fulfillment of prophecy. I do agree that the deep state people have used teaching on Revelation to make Christians docile and and uninvolved with a learned helplessness attitude going on waiting around.
Check out Charles Lawson on Youtube. He has a great series in it. Also he "goes there" and talks about the New World Order, CERN, luciferians, witchcraft, etc. So edifying for a pastor to point out our enemies symbols, playbook and plans.
Another resource is the Adrian Rogers book Worthy is the Lamb. My college Sunday School class did the sermon series that went with it. Also probably online. That study really deepened my faith! The lesson on numbers and their Biblical meanings was always my go to if I had to teach an adult class.
Blows my mind this whole receiving the Covid mark parallels Revelation so much and the average Christian just goes with it. Only thing that didn't match up was hand and forehead and not arm placement.
Don’t fear the technology, fear the misuse of the technology.
I guess.. unless that technology is a gas chamber. Even then, fear the Lord who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell over man that can only destroy the body.
Yes, I'm familiar with preterism. But I think it might come down to when Revelation was actually written. If it was written in 90, then it wouldn't be prophecy. I think a lot of the book of Revelation hasn't come true yet because there is some "next level" stuff in there! The Temple falling was indeed a big marker and fulfillment of prophecy. I do agree that the deep state people have used teaching on Revelation to make Christians docile and and uninvolved with a learned helplessness attitude going on waiting around.
Check out Charles Lawson on Youtube. He has a great series in it. Also he "goes there" and talks about the New World Order, CERN, luciferians, witchcraft, etc. So edifying for a pastor to point out our enemies symbols, playbook and plans.
Another resource is the Adrian Rogers book Worthy is the Lamb. My college Sunday School class did the sermon series that went with it. Also probably online. That study really deepened my faith! The lesson on numbers and their Biblical meanings was always my go to if I had to teach an adult class.