Australians ignoring the mandates!
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Another point I think shouldn't be ignored, resistance to the vaccine is mostly coming from the areas like western Sydney.
Most in the east don't have a problem with the Vax.
So of course the difference in treatment of the population is stark.
I personally know alot of people in my area who've gone and got the jab, I also know so many people who are resisting.
Who knows what may happen in the future, I just hope we survive the coming shit storm.
Also remember that Latham was at one time leader of the Labour Party so he's taking a swipe at the ostensibly conservative Gladys B.
Nah, Latham left the system a LONG time ago, and as far as Aussie politicians go, he's up there among the few based.
He rags on Libs and Labs equally, as far as I can see.