what is beside his ear? For reference his teeth look 'denture like' to me. Normally Xiden's teeth look more like dental laminates. Also it looks like he is missing a bicuspid.
That tab on his ear certainly appears to be the edge of a facial prosthetic that is becoming unglued; either from the heat, and/or the covid mask usage.
I was 100% convinced it was a skin flap/tab too, it looked perfect with no seam/color difference at first. Then some guy said zoom in there's a line and that it looked like a bandaid. I zoomed in and there's absolutely a difference in color between the supposed tab and his skin and it's almost definitely a bandaid based on what it looks like.
Trust me, I'd much rather it be a tab that undeniably proves Biden is an actor in a mask. Just doesn't look like that upon closer inspection.
You see the Getty image of Biden with his mask down? Look beside his ear.
LINK? Duh, I found it below, thanks! (and sorry!)
what is beside his ear? For reference his teeth look 'denture like' to me. Normally Xiden's teeth look more like dental laminates. Also it looks like he is missing a bicuspid.
That tab on his ear certainly appears to be the edge of a facial prosthetic that is becoming unglued; either from the heat, and/or the covid mask usage.
Good catch on that, and thank you for sharing! That tab on the ear is pretty compelling!
Only until you zoom in and see that it's most likely a bandaid.
No. Nice try though
I was 100% convinced it was a skin flap/tab too, it looked perfect with no seam/color difference at first. Then some guy said zoom in there's a line and that it looked like a bandaid. I zoomed in and there's absolutely a difference in color between the supposed tab and his skin and it's almost definitely a bandaid based on what it looks like.
Trust me, I'd much rather it be a tab that undeniably proves Biden is an actor in a mask. Just doesn't look like that upon closer inspection.