If this were, indeed, a movie, then everything in this frame is specifically placed to present the author's message.
While it may go past the untrained eye, the film critic is able to notice things that the director specifically framed for that scene. I.e. the things that don't make sense, seem odd or out of place, or could serve as indications of what's to come later in this drawn-out narrative.
I truly believe that Visual Literacy is one of the most important aspects of understanding information. Film/visual media is by far one of the fastest and most effective ways for a human being to process information. Having what Scorcese calls "visual literacy" allows for not only deeper artistic understandings of cinema, but allows the initiated to better understand propoganda.
what is beside his ear? For reference his teeth look 'denture like' to me. Normally Xiden's teeth look more like dental laminates. Also it looks like he is missing a bicuspid.
That tab on his ear certainly appears to be the edge of a facial prosthetic that is becoming unglued; either from the heat, and/or the covid mask usage.
yo for real this pic is confusing the hell out of me. I'm simultaneously laughing because all the kids are in MAGA Trump gear but also disturbed that any Trump supporter would let their kids be around sleepy Joe or that he wouldn't have been screamed out of there. Kid with the I'll be back Trump shirt... lol we live in the matrix folks
What the fuck is going on here, biden posing with trump supporter kids? why??? I do see the Q in the back too. This pic is such a mind fuck.
If this were, indeed, a movie, then everything in this frame is specifically placed to present the author's message.
While it may go past the untrained eye, the film critic is able to notice things that the director specifically framed for that scene. I.e. the things that don't make sense, seem odd or out of place, or could serve as indications of what's to come later in this drawn-out narrative.
The film critic, or the gamer who has been trained to look for Easter eggs. :)
Tippy top comment! Upvoat from me to you.
This is like those Wayfair images with the books about Haiti intentionally photoshopped in, it's like we're living in the worst simulation ever.
I truly believe that Visual Literacy is one of the most important aspects of understanding information. Film/visual media is by far one of the fastest and most effective ways for a human being to process information. Having what Scorcese calls "visual literacy" allows for not only deeper artistic understandings of cinema, but allows the initiated to better understand propoganda.
What Trump supporting parent would let their daughter stand that close the the real Joe Biden? Funny as hell, but that’s honestly dangerous.
that's a very specific style of Q to use
Fuck no, you MAGA brats
Well c'mon, man!
Making light of pedophilic activity for the sake of coping with the depravity.
This is how the overton window is shifted, one off color joke at a time.
You see the Getty image of Biden with his mask down? Look beside his ear.
LINK? Duh, I found it below, thanks! (and sorry!)
what is beside his ear? For reference his teeth look 'denture like' to me. Normally Xiden's teeth look more like dental laminates. Also it looks like he is missing a bicuspid.
That tab on his ear certainly appears to be the edge of a facial prosthetic that is becoming unglued; either from the heat, and/or the covid mask usage.
Good catch on that, and thank you for sharing! That tab on the ear is pretty compelling!
Only until you zoom in and see that it's most likely a bandaid.
No. Nice try though
yo for real this pic is confusing the hell out of me. I'm simultaneously laughing because all the kids are in MAGA Trump gear but also disturbed that any Trump supporter would let their kids be around sleepy Joe or that he wouldn't have been screamed out of there. Kid with the I'll be back Trump shirt... lol we live in the matrix folks
If you ever needed proof Biden was a controlled asset, here you go!