I said that’s strange my brain is sharper than ever, I am not experiencing any brain fog or memory loss, I wonder what could be the difference? Hey didn’t you guys all just take part in an experimental gene therapy trial that I decided to not participate in? No answer, I did talk like yoda a little to add some humor. Mmm greatly increased my iq is.
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You're on the wrong website if you think Trump and Q are separate in plans and not connected whatsoever lmao. You're all the over the place, kid. Not worth reading your shit.
Not really. You don't have to believe they're directly connected to believe in q or that there is an effort to fight against Democrat's tyrannical attempt to create a one party state. But sitting on your ass is complacency and you're doing nothing but playing keyboard warrior arguing with people on the internet when Trump's plan is for Patriots to replace the government on all local levels while we can. Like the DAs prosecuting based on leftist politics. We are the change but we can't be if we don't try. Some of these clowns run unopposed so anyone that makes a big good impression should win. That's just the tip of the iceberg, we need civil disobedience and to actually stand up for our rights. It happens more every day which is why they get more desperate. Not everyone has to believe your Theory to be here in fact I'm sure more than just me disagree with you.
Bud, give it up. You're trying to convince me on a site dedicated to Q where there are thousands of videos of Trump drawing Q's with his hand, tweets that match Q drops, where people spend hours making connections to the two.
I haven't been jabbed, I don't wear masks, I live in a growing blue part of a red state and I am part of this site dropping info. What the fuck are you doing? You're the keyboard warrior frantically trying to convince people that Q and Trump aren't linked.
Not sure why are you trying to lecture me on shit everyone on this site is aware of lol.
Keep on trying ton convince yourself Trump has no idea what Q is.
Not everyone has to believe your theory about q, that's what leftists would expect. You, like a typical leftist, don't want anyone to think differently than you. Q and trump don't have to be linked and i seen plenty of people here claim there is no q at all and there is no plan to begin with. If there is a plan it is for us to run against local small level government. If we we're the ones counting the votes for example there wouldn't be as much election fraud. By waiting for someone else to save you you're letting trump and q down. We can only save ourselves. You don't have to believe it causes prion disease but you don't have to believe the election was stolen either. Doesn't make it any less true. Your theories on the vaccine are no better than mine and if you're confident it's not prions then go get it. Also checked your message history and it's glowing a bit.
I'm not insisting you believe what I believe. I'm just pointing out that you're stupid and trying to convince yourself of some dumb theory you've made up and now have to stick to cause you feel you can't take it back.
Q and Trump being linked is set in stone at this point. You're just desperately trying to explain a stupid "belief".
"i AlSo chEcked YoUR hiSTory anD iT's GlowIe". Good one lmao