The number of shills making the same argument "A plane is a missile" and "I have people who actually witnessed the plane hitting the pentagon" and other reddit-style shilling makes you wonder if this was the real target ...
I’ve really thought about that often. I suppose if the reports are real about a plane seen flying low just before impact, it could have been the launch platform and they flew near by to observe. I bet there is airborne footage of the impact. It could have been dropped, glided and then powered flight to the target. They don’t have the same obvious signature of a rocket powered missile, they are hardly observable. I doubt they would have sub-launched it, I don’t think they would wanted it cruising over DC to be seen. What is is sickening, those who prepared that mission, from ground crew to fire control operator....
I was just thinking that, about those involved. I can’t even fathom the mindset locking-on to the Pentagon with a weapon targeting system. Unreal depravity.
That’s a level of fucked in the head I have trouble grasping. Don’t even get me started on those who placed 1000’s of demo charges.
Same mindset of those who misfired that missile against AF1 up in WA. Domestic enemies.