Every Democrat slogan is so cringy even retarded children cringe. Leftists have to be utterly brainwashed to say this shit: "War on women." "Yet she persisted." "Build back better." "Be the change." "I'm with her." "Love Trumps hate." "Forward."
That one has long been known as a Marxist slogan. It was the name of Karl Marx' newsletter. It was a little frustrating back then when people did not understand this, or think much of it.
Stupidest phrase in the history of ever.
Every Democrat slogan is so cringy even retarded children cringe. Leftists have to be utterly brainwashed to say this shit: "War on women." "Yet she persisted." "Build back better." "Be the change." "I'm with her." "Love Trumps hate." "Forward."
Just typing these make my fingers convulse.
That one has long been known as a Marxist slogan. It was the name of Karl Marx' newsletter. It was a little frustrating back then when people did not understand this, or think much of it.
They treat them as if they're actual spell incantations.
It worked great for the Taliban lol.