If you truly understood the Zionist mind you would understand how they fuck with others. Dumb asses like you read a headline and never look further in.
Headline reads "israeli health minister spills the beans" and you immediately run with it. What you fail to see is how the Zionist traps morons like you into spreading what they want you to spread so your lib friends can read further and catch you with a "ah ha! Yes he said that BUT it's because people like YOU won't get vaccinated! They are overwhelmed! He's just doing this because they are desperate!"
Understand the Jew mind then you'll understand why I call this a trap.
If you truly understood the Zionist mind you would understand how they fuck with others. Dumb asses like you read a headline and never look further in.
Headline reads "israeli health minister spills the beans" and you immediately run with it. What you fail to see is how the Zionist traps morons like you into spreading what they want you to spread so your lib friends can read further and catch you with a "ah ha! Yes he said that BUT it's because people like YOU won't get vaccinated! They are overwhelmed! He's just doing this because they are desperate!"
Understand the Jew mind then you'll understand why I call this a trap.