posted ago by Greatheart ago by Greatheart +77 / -0

Not sure about the countdown clock at https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/countdown-2021/ but it could be connected.

I am pretty sure there is no way the Dems are going to allow a loss in California. Could it be possible that whatever they do to win will expose everything they did in 2020 in real time for everyone to see? That will expose the entire fraud.

The Countdown clock points to this weekend. From what I understand there is going to be some sort of protest on Saturday for the 1/6 people. I don't know if it is still going to happen but it sure looks like the makings of a FF to me.

I was trying to figure what what the countdown could be pointing to and I remembered a countdown on the Q drops which never finished.

The Silent war continues was a phrase with a countdown. The countdown was in the periods after the phrase. It started with 5 periods and worked it's way down to 1 period. https://qposts.online/?q=the+silent+war&s=keyword Could it be possible that the countdown along with what President Trump said about praying for 21 days is pointing to the end of the silent war?

Not the end of the war. The end of the SILENT war.

I guess we will soon see.