Homeland Security Chief of Staff Abruptly Resigns
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It appears that you already have a good head start.
Racine (Southeast Wisconsin) is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
Fauci knows about the Sphinx Head Society and the tattoo on Hunter Biden’s back. A certain intelligence agency recruits from this group.
The main founder of Rotary is from Racine, and it is closely connected with the Rockefeller Foundation and Institute, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Unitarian, Jesuit, FLDS, Scientology, OTO and others. The real reason they established the China Medical Board was to eliminate the rise of Christianity in China.
NPR was also established in Racine. What is the “Church of NPR”? Why does the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail lead to Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine? https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2016/08/unitarians-as-the-church-of-npr/496811/
How are they now targeting Christianity in America? What is One World Religion?
What is the Good Club and what is their “mission”?
What is the Mason Lab?
They have opened the gateway to Hell, and aim to close the gateway to Heaven.
What are the two things that must happen to reach Heaven, and how can they be eliminated?
Did slavery end?
What happens when Christianity becomes a crime?
What happens when natural birth is forbidden?
What happens when people are not allowed to die?
Is Hell Gehanna? Is Hell Aztalan? Is Hell a literal place?
If you live as Jesus Christ did, as He lived as you, you will love God and your neighbor, and be rewarded with Eternal Life. What is the opposite?
Racine is where the center of the milky way (the path of souls) glides over the horizon and intersects with the largest fresh water lake.
The Great Lakes are all connected. In reality they are one big giant lake. The Great Lakes are the largest source of fresh water on earth if you measure by surface area.