Have a German friend (accent and all) super liberal but as long as you don’t get into politics cool dude. Refutes everything then comes to visit last night, first thing he did was pull out 2 pistols and put on a Trump hat.
I laughed heartily, and said why are you trolling. He says bro, I’m not you were right. I was listening to npr and they said something about trump and i thought wait I just saw something totally different, so he went and researched and say that they were manipulating what trump said.
After that he said once you see it you are awake. He’s now working on his brother with the agreement they can’t watch tv for a month and no news
"with the agreement they can’t watch tv for a month and no news"
Not only does not watching TV make it easier to catch their various forms of fuckery when you happen to see nonsense spewed by the MSM, your blood pressure goes down. No TV does nothing but good for the mind, body, and soul!
Moreover, despite the state of the world, you don't walk around depressed all of the time (they've crippled a LOT of people for a couple of generations with their constant, depressing, "we are all going to die" style of control). I don't care who you are or what kind of mental constitution you have ... if you subject yourself to the daily puke vomited out of your TV set, you WILL start to depress yourself. It's what they want.
"It is self-evident that there is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. The formula is simple: destroy the belief system on which that society is founded, especially its religion and its traditional codes of honor and decency. Promote godlessness and a philosophy of despair. To put it in even plainer language: reduce men to beasts if you wish to control them.
t was George Lukács [25], one of the founding fathers of the Frankfurt School, who had called for “a culture of pessimism and a world abandoned by God.” [26] And it was one of their most fanatical ideologues, Willi Munzenberg [27], who had said he wanted to turn the world upside down and make life a hell on earth. His exact words:
We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK! Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Sometimes I wonder if the news emits a depressive background frequency we can’t hear but can feel - kinda like the 528 Hz frequency of love thing. Would not put it past them.