Have a German friend (accent and all) super liberal but as long as you don’t get into politics cool dude. Refutes everything then comes to visit last night, first thing he did was pull out 2 pistols and put on a Trump hat.
I laughed heartily, and said why are you trolling. He says bro, I’m not you were right. I was listening to npr and they said something about trump and i thought wait I just saw something totally different, so he went and researched and say that they were manipulating what trump said.
After that he said once you see it you are awake. He’s now working on his brother with the agreement they can’t watch tv for a month and no news
Hmm I like this guy. The ones willing to admit they were wrong , ask for apologies for being thick. And then jump in immeadately and start doing research.
Do you really think turning off the T.V is a good idea chat? The way i see it is that watching T.V and listening to everything the propaganda arm of the United States as well as others is vitally important. We need to know what they are saying and when they are saying it. Moves and countermoves right..???? Let me frame this differently and get yalls opinion... im what situation and why would we want to turn our T.V off once we are awake in order to blind us from our enemies communication as well as to know what the NPC's are being told. We are supposed to be ready with counters to keep trying to wake them up are we not? o7
If you can stomach it, yes. I haven’t been able to for a long time. I start to hyperventilate just hearing the beginnings of the BS spewing. However, after 3 years without TV, we got cable again yesterday (only because it was a GREAT deal). I’m almost scared to have it in the house but I’ve been worrying for awhile that when the SHTF finally, we will miss most of the fireworks if we don’t have TV. I’m looking forward to watching all the MSM anchors squirm when they have to confess all their lies.