So today my work put out an email beating around tge bush about the federal mandate. They did NOT put out a hard date to get the vax, just said they recommend it.
I went to a dealership to pick up a part for a truck, o noticed the dealership had now hiring signs up. I inquired and the guy asked me why suddenly im interested. They know I been with my current company for about 10 years. I explained tve email about the clot shot. The guy starts asking if I've watched The fall of the Cabal. I said i didn't. But i decided to go for broke and asked straight up if they follow Q and he said he does. We shook hands and i found another Fren.
Watch The Fall of the won't regret it.
I agree - and the sequel as well
I did finish the first one, 1 -10. Parts 9 and 10 were really good.
I haven’t been able to make much of a dent in the sequel to it yet, but I have it bookmarked for later. There’s just so much else happening right now that it’s getting challenging to keep up.
I watched 1 and 2 from the sequel, but real life habbenings are coming pretty fast. Ill probably finish it this week though. I have a 1 hour commute and i let this play in the background on my way into work.