530 Twitter just suspended Nicki Minaj for tweets linking vaxx to impotency! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by lsdQ 3 years ago by lsdQ +531 / -1 71 comments download share 71 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
If we want to defeat the Deep State and evolve, then the more of us we get on team human the better.
I've been saying for years that the Beatles song "All you need is love" rubs me the wrong way. And it still does actually...
But I have had a change of heart recently and do think compassion is super important right now.
I hear you. It’s an understandable position. I vaguely remember that incident based off of the URL name.
What if it were YOU putting the bullet between her eyes?
At Jordan Peterson’s request, I read Crime and Punishment about 4 years ago. The burden of murder drives the main character insane.
In this case, the person you want to receive violence isn’t innocent. That certainly accounts for something.
But sex crime is not in the same league as murder. I suspect it would still be bad for the soul to take The Punisher route.
I agree, the enemy of my enemy, is my enemys enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. BUT, my enemys enemy can be used as a tool.