So far so good. no negative side effects. I will say my brainfog went away. not sure if its related. and Ill be checking for worms we'll see.
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The I-Match protocol by the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance suggests taking Ivermectin twice a week for prevention if there are many cases in your area. They have a different dosage for patients with symptoms. Please check their website.
The Dr. Zelenko protocol for moderate / high risk patients suggests taking Ivermectin on Day 1, Day 3, then once a week. This along with Vit D, Vit C, Quercitin and Zinc. Please also check out his website,
Hope this helps.
Have lately successfully treated family covid cases with this protocol. We are also taking NAC. Keep in mind quercetin and ivermectin should be taken at different am and pm. Ivermectin after meal. Also, NAC on an empty stomach and melatonin at night. I have been on this protocol for three weeks mainly because I want to be sure to get through the pulmonary phase before I go to once a week ivermectin. The other stuff I will continue to take prophylactically. We all stayed out of the hospital and are fine so I am pretty sold on the efficacy of this protocol.
Thank you