They mean the long haulers, who have had covid and now have lingering problems, which happen to be very much like vax side effects, so I predict they will discover that turning your body into a spike protein factory was not a good idea. Duh. These long haulers are real and it is concerning that they so far are baffling to treat conventionally.
My wife is one of the long haulers. It's been a horrible last month for her but she finally got ivermectin and her symptoms all but disappeared in 24 hours.
They mean the long haulers, who have had covid and now have lingering problems, which happen to be very much like vax side effects, so I predict they will discover that turning your body into a spike protein factory was not a good idea. Duh. These long haulers are real and it is concerning that they so far are baffling to treat conventionally.
My wife is one of the long haulers. It's been a horrible last month for her but she finally got ivermectin and her symptoms all but disappeared in 24 hours.
Wish I could get my friend to try horse paste, I did it as an example but no go and the various doctors on the case are afraid to buck the system.