This was that I speculated due to the timing and scope and even the name, sunburst. We saw in real time dominion remove the solar winds logo from their website. I think it was even more than that though. They breached all of western capitalism in a way only a nation state has the capability of doing, but they didn’t really do much visible to the outside.
I think it was a message to the billionaire class. That times have changed, their corporations are no longer safe, and they basically only exist at the mercy of the white hats.
This was that I speculated due to the timing and scope and even the name, sunburst. We saw in real time dominion remove the solar winds logo from their website. I think it was even more than that though. They breached all of western capitalism in a way only a nation state has the capability of doing, but they didn’t really do much visible to the outside.
I think it was a message to the billionaire class. That times have changed, their corporations are no longer safe, and they basically only exist at the mercy of the white hats.