481 That's two pics in two days that Scavino has shared that Q has previously posted...❗ (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +481 / -0 65 comments download share 65 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I was skeptical but I came into the fold right after JaNuArY 6tH and I learned a lot of Q shit is real. The ___ year deltas are the best pieces of evidence I've seen.
Man Q was dropping bombs leading up to the election
Trump would be speaking at a rally, qalerts pops up. Q posts then 2 minutes pater Trump is on the same subject.
Q is real.
I love those. I know Q is real it's what keeps me going, but it 's just good to get some hopium infusion.
u guys are makin me cry I love u guys 100%