Everything is making the rounds again, take it all in with a grain of salt and refer back to it as things happen proving or disproving. There were two photos that were originally released with this when I first saw it - the ping pong (or pool) table and the photo of Huma and Hillary in the bathroom. They supposedly came from the Weiner laptop too.
Not too surprising comments, considering the evil which pervades the entire Clintonista cabal. Just like the Kennedy Family -- evil, greedy, ego-driven loathsome creatures who are the spawn of The Devil.
Everything is making the rounds again, take it all in with a grain of salt and refer back to it as things happen proving or disproving. There were two photos that were originally released with this when I first saw it - the ping pong (or pool) table and the photo of Huma and Hillary in the bathroom. They supposedly came from the Weiner laptop too.
^ this
You got it my fren.
Doesn't match her other emails.
I really don't think the McAfee stuff has any credibility, at least that I've seen so far. I'm treating it like George and Ingersoll Lockwood.
Great job,T! I love seeing all those names (initials) in killboxes!
Not too surprising comments, considering the evil which pervades the entire Clintonista cabal. Just like the Kennedy Family -- evil, greedy, ego-driven loathsome creatures who are the spawn of The Devil.
If this is real, I wonder - who is the “AW” she mentions ?
Anthony Weiner?
Thanks! I don’t know why it escaped me!
her husband?
That may be "ass whipping" seems correct in context
Hahaha! True!
Cleaning up unverified telegram account posts. If I got this wrong please re-post with context. Thanks!
who is AW and WJC?
I would guess Anthony Weiner and William Jefferson Clinton (aka Bill Clinton)