You are right. Pray for health, well-being of the Republic. Just Pray. Talk to God. Be honest. Tell Him your heart (spoiler alert - He knows it any way). We are all given the opportunity to be God's children. Though our Republic has shitty citizens aplenty - Heaven's kingdom has none.
Father, I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters that you lift up our world, strengthen and protect it, and clear it of all evil. Breath life, freedom and love back into our societies and help us to join our hearts and hands together to stand up to the darkness and evil that surrounds us. Walk with us daily as we stand to fight in this battle and pick us up if ever we should fall. I ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you, OP. Prayer is THE MOST powerful but underutilized weapon that we have against the enemy. Old scratch HATES IT when we pray rejoicing but ESPECIALLY when we pray in Thanksgiving. Try it! Wanna make the devil mad? Reach out to Lord Jesus in Thanksgiving, Praise and rejoicing and the old boogie man will (impotently) spit fire. GBY & your loved ones! THANK YOU for being here!
Thank you fren for being here too. Could not agree with you MORE! When we choose gratitude to God - and pray in joyfulness - evil retreats. Godly joy is painful to the evil one and confounds his minions. Prayer is a direct line to God. What is more valuable? Parable of the Pearl.
Pray for this country every day. Pray for God's justice to be done. Pray for exposure of the truth. Pray that evil be removed from our government. Pray satan be bound in our courts, colleges and universities, our media, and corporations. Pray for the restoration of the rightfully elected government. Prayer works.
"And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." - Luke 18:27
Pray for the health and well-being of this republic and its citizens.
Even the shitty ones.
You are right. Pray for health, well-being of the Republic. Just Pray. Talk to God. Be honest. Tell Him your heart (spoiler alert - He knows it any way). We are all given the opportunity to be God's children. Though our Republic has shitty citizens aplenty - Heaven's kingdom has none.
Heavenly Father:
I ask you to Bless my friends here. Lift them up, fortify their hearts, help them push back on Sin and Darkness - Standing Firm in Your Glory.
Thanks for the reminder
St Michael… for battle.
Father, I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters that you lift up our world, strengthen and protect it, and clear it of all evil. Breath life, freedom and love back into our societies and help us to join our hearts and hands together to stand up to the darkness and evil that surrounds us. Walk with us daily as we stand to fight in this battle and pick us up if ever we should fall. I ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you, OP. Prayer is THE MOST powerful but underutilized weapon that we have against the enemy. Old scratch HATES IT when we pray rejoicing but ESPECIALLY when we pray in Thanksgiving. Try it! Wanna make the devil mad? Reach out to Lord Jesus in Thanksgiving, Praise and rejoicing and the old boogie man will (impotently) spit fire. GBY & your loved ones! THANK YOU for being here!
Thank you fren for being here too. Could not agree with you MORE! When we choose gratitude to God - and pray in joyfulness - evil retreats. Godly joy is painful to the evil one and confounds his minions. Prayer is a direct line to God. What is more valuable? Parable of the Pearl.
Pray for this country every day. Pray for God's justice to be done. Pray for exposure of the truth. Pray that evil be removed from our government. Pray satan be bound in our courts, colleges and universities, our media, and corporations. Pray for the restoration of the rightfully elected government. Prayer works.
"And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." - Luke 18:27